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TYC 3709-536-1



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Masses and luminosities of O- and B-type stars and red supergiants
Massive stars are of interest as progenitors of supernovae, i.e.neutron stars and black holes, which can be sources of gravitationalwaves. Recent population synthesis models can predict neutron star andgravitational wave observations but deal with a fixed supernova rate oran assumed initial mass function for the population of massive stars. Here we investigate those massive stars, which are supernovaprogenitors, i.e. with O- and early B-type stars, and also allsupergiants within 3 kpc. We restrict our sample to those massive starsdetected both in 2MASS and observed by Hipparcos, i.e. only those starswith parallax and precise photometry. To determine the luminositieswe calculated the extinctions from published multi-colour photometry,spectral types, luminosity class, all corrected for multiplicity andrecently revised Hipparcos distances. We use luminosities andtemperatures to estimate the masses and ages of these stars usingdifferent models from different authors. Having estimated theluminosities of all our stars within 3 kpc, in particular for all O- andearly B-type stars, we have determined the median and mean luminositiesfor all spectral types for luminosity classes I, III, and V. Ourluminosity values for supergiants deviate from earlier results: Previouswork generally overestimates distances and luminosities compared to ourdata, this is likely due to Hipparcos parallaxes (generally moreaccurate and larger than previous ground-based data) and the fact thatmany massive stars have recently been resolved into multiples of lowermasses and luminosities. From luminosities and effective temperatureswe derived masses and ages using mass tracks and isochrones fromdifferent authors. From masses and ages we estimated lifetimes andderived a lower limit for the supernova rate of ?20 events/Myraveraged over the next 10 Myr within 600 pc from the sun. These data arethen used to search for areas in the sky with higher likelihood for asupernova or gravitational wave event (like OB associations).

New Estimates of the Solar-Neighborhood Massive Star Birthrate and the Galactic Supernova Rate
The birthrate of stars of masses >=10 Msolar is estimatedfrom a sample of just over 400 O3-B2 dwarfs within 1.5 kpc of the Sunand the result extrapolated to estimate the Galactic supernova ratecontributed by such stars. The solar-neighborhood Galactic-plane massivestar birthrate is estimated at ~176 stars kpc-3Myr-1. On the basis of a model in which the Galactic stellardensity distribution comprises a ``disk+central hole'' like that of thedust infrared emission (as proposed by Drimmel and Spergel), theGalactic supernova rate is estimated at probably not less than ~1 normore than ~2 per century and the number of O3-B2 dwarfs within the solarcircle at ~200,000.

Bright OB stars in the Galaxy. II. Wind variability in O supergiants as traced by Hα
We investigate the line-profile variability (lpv) of Hα for alarge sample of O-type supergiants (15 objects between O4 and O9.7), inan objective, statistically rigorous manner. We employed the TemporalVariance Spectrum (TVS) analysis, developed for the case of photosphericabsorption lines and modified by us to take into account the effects ofwind emission. By means of a comparative analysis we place constraintson the properties of this variability - quantified in terms of a meanand a newly defined fractional amplitude of deviations - as a functionof stellar and wind parameters. The results of our analysis show thatall the stars in the sample show evidence of significant lpv inHα, mostly dominated by processes in the wind. The variationsoccur between zero and 0.3 v_&infy; (i.e., below 1.5 R_star ), in goodagreement with results from similar studies. A comparison between theobservations and corresponding line-profile simulations indicates thatfor stars with intermediate wind densities the properties of theHα variability can be explained by simple models consisting ofcoherent or broken shells (blobs) uniformly distributed over the windvolume, with an intrinsic scatter in the maximum density contrast ofabout a factor of two. For stars at lower and higher wind densities, onthe other hand, we found certain inconsistencies between theobservations and our predictions, most importantly concerning the meanamplitude and the symmetry properties of the TVS. This disagreementmight be explained by the presence of coherent large-scale structures,partly confined in a volume close to the star. Interpreted in terms of avariable mass-loss rate, the observed variations of Hα indicatechanges of ±4% with respect to the mean value of dot M for starswith stronger winds and of ± 16% for stars with weaker winds. Theeffect of these variations on the corresponding wind momenta is ratherinsignificant (less than 0.16 dex), increasing only the local scatterwithout affecting the Wind Momentum Luminosity Relationship.

Bright OB stars in the Galaxy. I. Mass-loss and wind-momentum rates of O-type stars: A pure H\alpha analysis accounting for line-blanketing
We study mass-loss and wind momentum rates of 29 Galactic O-type starswith luminosity classes I, III and V by means of a pure H\alpha profileanalysis and investigate to what extent the results compare to thoseoriginating from a state-of-the-art, complete spectral analysis. Ourinvestigation relies on the approximate method developed by\citet{Puls96} which we have modified to account for the effects ofline-blanketing. Effective temperatures and gravities needed to obtainquantitative results from such a simplified approach have been derivedby means of calibrations based on most recent spectroscopic NLTEanalyses and models of Galactic stars by \citet{Repo03} and\citet{Martins02}. Comparing (i) the derived wind-densities to thosedetermined by \citet{Repo03} for eleven stars in common and (ii) theWind-momentum Luminosity Relationship (WLR) for our sample stars tothose derived by other investigations, we conclude that our approximateapproach is actually able to provide consistent results. Additionally,we studied the consequences of ``fine tuning'' some of the direct andindirect parameters entering the WLR, especially by accounting fordifferent possible values of stellar reddening and distances. Combiningour data set with the corresponding data provided by \citet{Herrero02}and \citet{Repo03} we finally study the WLR for the largest sample ofGalactic O-type stars gathered so far, including an elaborate errortreatment. The established disagreement between the theoreticalpredictions and the ``observed'' WLRs being a function of luminosityclass is suggested to be a result of wind clumping. Different strategiesto check this hypothesis are discussed, particularly by comparing theH\alpha mass-loss rates with the ones derived from radio observations.

Three Lynds Bright Nebulae
The region from l=139.5d-141.0d, b=-2.5d-3.0d contains three faint LyndsBright Nebulae. LBN 140.77-1.42 and the lower portion of LBN 140.07+1.64are associated with an intriguing arc of neutral hydrogen at Perseus Armvelocities and morphologically associated CO and dust emission. Youngstellar objects (YSOs) are found along the length of the H I feature,several with velocities indicating a connection with the features in themolecular and neutral material. The arc-shaped ionized emission from LBN139.57+2.70 is associated with a hole in H I also at Perseus Armvelocities and contains a YSO at its edge. The hole is consistent with awind-driven bubble blown by an early B star. This paper uses data fromthe Canadian Galactic Plane Survey to characterize these regions,studying the gas, dust, and YSO components of the nebulae and thesources of illumination for the ionized gas.

Catalog of Galactic OB Stars
An all-sky catalog of Galactic OB stars has been created by extendingthe Case-Hamburg Galactic plane luminous-stars surveys to include 5500additional objects drawn from the literature. This work brings the totalnumber of known or reasonably suspected OB stars to over 16,000.Companion databases of UBVβ photometry and MK classifications forthese objects include nearly 30,000 and 20,000 entries, respectively.

Photometry and Classification of Stars Along the Camelopardalis and Perseus Border
Seven-color photometry in the Vilnius system for 309 stars down to 12.5mag in the area along the galactic equator near the Camelopardalis andPerseus border is presented. Photometric spectral and luminosity classesof the stars are determined.

UBV beta Database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars
A database of photoelectric UBV beta photometry for stars listed in theCase-Hamburg northern and southern Milky Way luminous stars surveys hasbeen compiled from the original research literature. Consisting of over16,000 observations of some 7300 stars from over 500 sources, thisdatabase constitutes the most complete compilation of such photometryavailable for intrinsically luminous stars around the Galactic plane.Over 5000 stars listed in the Case-Hamburg surveys still lackfundamental photometric data.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Distribution and motions of OB stars in the direction of H and KHI Perseus.
Not Available

X-ray emission from O-type stars - Parameters which affect it
As a result of previous analyses of the X-ray fluxes of O-type stars, ithas been established that, surprisingly, there is no correlation betweenX-ray flux and such basic parameters as M, R, v(rot), T(eff), massaccretion rate v(infinity), L(w) = mass accretion rate v(infinity), andwind energy. In this paper, other factors influencing the X-ray flux ofthe hottest stars are sought. As a result of the present analysis, it isfound that stars embedded in dense clouds are often X-ray brighter,runaway stars are fainter in X-rays, massive binaries emit more X-raysthan single stars, and radio-bright stars are also more active inX-rays. All these correlations lead to the conclusion that the stellarenvironment and the interaction of the stellar wind with circumstellarmatter (possible remnants of protostellar clouds) play a dominant rolein the production of the X-ray flux.

The Einstein X-ray Observatory Catalog of O-type stars
A catalog of X-ray count rates for all O-type stars surveyed by theEinstein Observatory is presented. The procedures by which the IPC andHigh Resolution Imager rates are converted to emitted X-ray luminositiesare discussed in detail. The catalog contains 289 stars with 89detections and 176 upper bounds for the observed count rates. Precisepositions for 43 O-type stars are given whose previously known locationswere unknown or erroneous. It is argued that most O-type stars are X-raypoint sources, but some are possibly embedded in extended nebulae and/orbubbles. The X-ray spectra of O-type stars are discussed briefly, and itis argued that their mean spectrum can reasonably be taken as an 0.5 keVthermal bremsstrahlung model. It is argued that at least 30 percent ofall O-type stars are variable in X-rays.

An optical spiral arm beyond the Perseus arm
In the second galactic quadrant, optical spiral arm tracers have beencollected in a systematic literature search. A uniform reduction of thedata led to the detection of a distinct structure (probably a spiralarm) beyond the Perseus arm that is separated by a statisticallysignificant gap from the latter.

A spectrophotometric survey of stars along the Milky Way. IV
In the present paper a catalogue of spectrophotometric quantities,spectral types, monochromatic magnitudes and colour equivalents is givenfor all stars brighter than the magnitude m4400 = 10.5 in aregion of the Milky Way in Perseus. No absorption is found for starscloser than about r = 100 pc. The absorbing clouds are situated atdistances closer than 1 kpc and at about 2.5 kpc in the local arm andthe Perseus arm, respectively. The space between the two arms is freefrom absorption. It is also concluded that the Perseus arm continuesbeyond l = 140 deg, containing not only hydrogen gas but also dust to atleast l = 150 deg), while the content of OB stars decreases abruptly atl = 140 deg.

A catalogue of galactic O stars. The ionization of the low density interstellar medium by runaway stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974RMxAA...1..211C&db_key=AST

The space distribution and kinematics of supergiants
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1970AJ.....75..602H&db_key=AST

Radial Velocities of Distant OB Stars in the Anticenter Region of the Galaxy
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1965ApJ...142..934R&db_key=AST

The law of interstellar extinction
Not Available

The Law of Interstellar Reddening and Absorption.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1956ApJ...124..367H&db_key=AST

Interstellar Polarization of 405 Stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1954ApJ...120..454H&db_key=AST

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Vizuális fényesség:10.001
RA sajátmozgás:-0.8
Dec sajátmozgás:-0.1
B-T magnitude:11.024
V-T magnitude:10.086

Katalógusok és elnevezések:
Megfelelő nevek   (Edit)
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 3709-536-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1425-03973955
HIPHIP 13573

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