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HD 137164



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Kinematics of chromospherically active binaries and evidence of an orbital period decrease in binary evolution
The kinematics of 237 chromospherically active binaries (CABs) werestudied. The sample is heterogeneous with different orbits andphysically different components from F to M spectral-type main-sequencestars to G and K giants and supergiants. The computed U, V, W spacevelocities indicate that the sample is also heterogeneous in velocityspace. That is, both kinematically younger and older systems exist amongthe non-evolved main sequence and the evolved binaries containing giantsand subgiants. The kinematically young (0.95 Gyr) subsample (N= 95),which is formed according to the kinematical criteria of moving groups,was compared with the rest (N= 142) of the sample (3.86 Gyr) toinvestigate any observational clues of binary evolution. Comparing theorbital period histograms between the younger and older subsamples,evidence was found supporting the finding of Demircan that the CABs losemass (and angular momentum) and evolve towards shorter orbital periods.The evidence of mass loss is noticeable on the histograms of the totalmass (Mh+Mc), which is compared between theyounger (only N= 53 systems available) and older subsamples (only N= 66systems available). The orbital period decrease during binary evolutionis found to be clearly indicated by the kinematical ages of 6.69, 5.19and 3.02 Gyr which were found in the subsamples according to the periodranges of logP<= 0.8, 0.8 < logP<= 1.7 and 1.7 < logP<=3, respectively, among the binaries in the older subsample.

On X-Ray Variability in Active Binary Stars
We have compared the X-ray emissions of active binary stars observed atvarious epochs by the Einstein and ROSAT satellites in order toinvestigate the nature of their X-ray variability. The primary aim ofthis work is to determine whether or not active binaries exhibitlong-term variations in X-ray emission, perhaps analogous to theobserved cyclic behavior of solar magnetic activity. We find that, whilethe mean level of emission of the sample remains steady, comparison ofdifferent ROSAT observations of the same stars shows significantvariation on timescales <~2 yr, with an ``effective variability''ΔI/I=0.32+/-0.04, where I and ΔI represent the mean emissionand variation from the mean emission, respectively. A comparison of theROSAT All-Sky Survey and later pointed observations with earlierobservations of the same stars carried out with Einstein yields onlymarginal evidence for a larger variation (ΔI/I=0.38+/-0.04 forEinstein vs. ROSAT All-Sky Survey and 0.46+/-0.05 for Einstein vs. ROSATpointed) at these longer timescales (~10 yr), thus indicating thepossible presence of a long-term component to the variability. Whetheror not this long-term component is due to the presence of cyclicvariability cannot be decided on the basis of existing data. However,assuming that this component is analogous to the observed cyclicvariability of the Sun, we find that the relative magnitude of thecyclic component in the ROSAT passband can, at most, be a factor of 4,i.e., I_cyc/I_min<4. This is to be compared with the correspondingbut significantly higher solar value of ~10-10^2 derived from GOES,Yohkoh, and Solrad data. These results are consistent with thesuggestions of earlier studies that a turbulent or distributive dynamomight be responsible for the observed magnetic activity on the mostactive, rapidly rotating stars.

The age-mass relation for chromospherically active binaries. III. Lithium depletion in giant components
We present a study of the lithium abundances of a sample of evolvedcomponents of Chromospherically Active Binary Systems. We show that asignificant part of them have lithium excesses, independently of theirmass and evolutionary stage. Therefore, it can be concluded that Liabundance does not depend on age for giant components of CABS. Theseoverabundances appear to be closely related to the stellar rotation, andwe interpret them as a consequence of the transfer of angular momentumfrom the orbit to the rotation as the stars evolve in and off the MainSequence, in a similar way as it happens in the dwarf components of thesame systems and in the Tidally Locked Binaries belonging to the Hyadesand M67. Based on observations collected with the 2.2\,m telescope ofthe German-Spanish Observatorio de Calar Alto (Almeria, Spain), and withthe 2.56\,m Nordic Optical Telescope in the Spanish Observatorio delRoque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrof\'\i sica de Canarias(La Palma, Spain)

On the rotation-activity correlation for active binary stars
We present an investigation of rotation-activity correlations usingInternational Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) SWP measurements of the Civemission line at 1550Angstroms for 72 active binary systems. We use astandard stellar evolution code to derive non-empirical Rossby numbers,R_0, for each star in our sample and compare the resulting Civrotation-activity correlation to that found for empirically derivedvalues of the Rossby number and that based on rotation alone. For dwarfstars our values of R_0 do not differ greatly from empirical ones and wefind a corresponding lack of improvement in correlation. Only a marginalimprovement in correlation is found for evolved components in oursample. We discuss possible additional factors, other than rotation orconvection, that may influence the activity levels in active binaries.Our observational data imply, in contrast to the theoretical predictionsof convective motions, that activity is only weakly related to mass inevolved stars. We conclude that current dynamo theory is limited in itsapplication to the study of active stars because of the uncertainty inthe angular velocity-depth profile in stellar interiors and the unknowneffects of binarity and surface gravity.

Alignment of rotational axes in asynchronous late type binaries
41 RS CVn and BY Dra type binaries with reliable orbital and physicalparameters have been found to rotate asynchronously with the orbitalrevolution. For this sample inclinations of the rotational axes, i_r, ofthe primaries and the orbital inclinations, i_o, are independentlydetermined to test the alignment between the equatorial and the orbitalplanes. The observed difference Delta i=| {i_o} - {i_r}| measures adeviation from coplanarity of these planes. It turns out that mostasynchronous systems prove to be misaligned, especially when theinfluence of the position angle is taken into account. Thus, thegenerally accepted assumption that rotational axes are perpendicular toorbital planes is not valid for asynchronous RS CVn and BY Dra typebinaries. The influence of the position angle of the observer on thederived values of Delta i can be studied only by statistical methods.The distribution of the observed Delta i is compared wih the expectedvalues of Delta i() e for two cases: a) the rotational axes are randomlyinclined to the orbital planes, and b) the rotational axes areperpendicular to the orbital planes. The best fit to our observed sampleof asynchronous binaries is obtained for the case a), while for thesynchronous RS CVn and BY Dra type binaries the rotational axes areperpendicular to their orbital planes. The appendix is available onlyelectronically with the on-line publication athttp://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00230

EUV Emission from RS Canum Venaticorum binaries.
We performed a study of 104 RS CVn systems in the extreme ultraviolet(EUV) using the all-sky survey data obtained by the Extreme UltravioletExplorer (EUVE). The present sample includes several new RS CVndetections; 11 more than in the published EUVE catalogs, and 8 more thanin the ROSAT Wide Field Camera catalog. The ratio of detections tonon-detections remained constant throughout the sky, implying that ourdetections are not limited by the exposure time but are most likelylimited by absorption from the interstellar medium. A general trend ofincreasing Lex/B (50-180Å) flux with decreasing rotational periodis clear. The dwarf systems exhibit a leveling-off for the fasterrotators. In contrast, the evolved systems exhibit no such effect. Forthe RS CVn systems the losses in the EUV represent a smaller fraction ofthe coronal radiative losses, as compared to active late-type dwarfs.

The emission of the RS CVn binaries in the IRAS passbands.
In the literature, there is an ambiguity pertaining to the existence ofa far-IR excess in RS CVn systems. In the current paper we undertook astudy of the behaviour of 103 such systems in the IRAS passbands. Wefound 72 acceptable detections in the 12μm band, and 40 in the25μm band (50% more than the IRAS Point Source Catalog). Although ourfindings may be interpreted as indicating towards the existence of anexcess beyond 12μm for some systems, the evidence is not conclusivein all but two cases. These are systems GX Lib and HR 7428, with Capellabeing the only system where the IRAS fluxes in all four bands originatefrom the stellar photosphere. Given the accuracy of the data we did notfind 12μm excess for any system. We argue that the IRAS data alonecannot settle the issue, as their uncertainty is, in many cases, higherthan what the Signal-to-Noise ratio of each observation implies.Furthermore, at the higher wavelength bands the IRAS angular resolutiondrops from 0.5' at 12μm to 2' at 100μm and the background becomesvery complex, so one cannot be certain about the origin of the observedflux. The existence of IR excess in the RS CVn stars is important as faras the evolutionary scenarios for these systems are concerned. Futuremissions such as the Infrared Space Observatory will return moresensitive and accurate measurements and the ambiguity can be removed.The fluxes we quote will be helpful when planning these futureobservations, as we provide more accurate photometry and for a largerselection of sources than the IRAS Point Source Catalog.

On the Intercomponent Emission in Close Binary Systems
Not Available

Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update.
An updated version of my catalogue of radio stars is presented. Somestatistics and availability are discussed.

Lithium in Rs-Canum Binaries and Related Chromospherically Active Stars - Part Three - Northern Rs-Canum Systems
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1994A&A...283..893R&db_key=AST

Are the Rotational Axes Perpendicular to the Orbital Planes in the Binary Systems. I. Asynchronous Long-Period RS CVn Stars
We show that only 12 out of 27 analyzed binaries have data good enoughfor reliable determination of iorb and irot. In 4systems (out of these 12) assumption about coplanarity of rotationalequatorial plane and orbital plane is justified. In the remaining casesrotational axes are not perpendicular to the orbital planes(non-coplanar case). The commonly accepted assumption about thecoplanarity of rotational and orbital planes should be revised.

The active dynamo stars: RS CVn, BY Dra, FK Com, Algol, W UMa, and T Tau
Not Available

A catalog of chromospherically active binary stars (second edition)
The catalog contains 206 spectroscopic binary systems with at least onelate-type component that shows Ca II H and K emission in its spectrum.These systems include the classical RS CVn binaries and BY Dra binaries.The catalog summarizes information on the photometric, spectroscopic,orbital, and physical properties of the systems as well as space motionsand positions. Up to 42 'parameters' for each stellar system are listedfollowed by the appropriate reference to direct interested colleagues tothe original papers. A comprehensive selection of further informationfor each star is given in the individual notes. In addition, the catalogcontains a candidate list of 138 stars that have similar characteristicsbut are not definitely known binaries or have not had Ca II H and Kemission observed.

The ROSAT All-Sky Survey of active binary coronae. I - Quiescent fluxes for the RS Canum Venaticorum systems
One hundred and thirty-six RS CV(n) active binary systems were observedwith the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) during theAll-Sky Survey component of the mission. The entire sky was surveyed,which represents the largest sample of RS CV(n) systems observed to dateat any wavelength, including X-rays. X-ray surface fluxes for the RSCV(n) systems are found to lie in the range 10 exp 4 to 10 exp 8 ergs/sqcm seconds. Surface flux as a function of (B - V) color is reported. Adecrease in surface flux with increasing rotation period for the entiresample is observed. The rotation period provides the best stellar ororbital parameter to predict the X-ray surface flux level. The absenceof correlation of F(x) or L(x) with Gamma is noted due to the fact thatthe coronal heating mechanism for these active stars must be magnetic incharacter, and the magnetic field depends on the interaction betweenconvection and differential rotation inside the star. X-ray propertiesof the RS CV(n) systems with 6 cm radio and C IV UV emission systems iscompared.

Lithium in Rs-Canum Binaries and Related Chromospherically Active Stars - Part Two - Spectrum Synthesis Analysis
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1993A&A...273..194R&db_key=AST

Kinematics and age of RS Canum Venaticorum and by Draconis stars
Space velocities of 146 chromospherically active binary stars have beencalculated. Containing F-M spectral types on the main sequence togetherwith G and K giants and subgiants, this very heterogeneous sample hasbeen divided into groups in order to segregate stars which have similarkinematics and ages. After many trials for different criteria, thesample was divided into five groups - two groups for giants, two groupsfor main-sequence systems, and one group for main-sequence systems.Kinematics of subgiants implies a stellar age of about 2-3 Gyr. Youngand old groups of giants and main-sequence systems could becharacterized by a kinematical age of about 1 Gyr and more than 5 Gyr,respectively. These ages are estimated approximately according to spacevelocity distributions and dispersions in velocity space in each group.Inferred ages for the groups above agrees with circulation, rotationactivity relation, and stellar evolution theories.

Lithium in RS CVn binaries and related chromospherically active stars. I - Observational results
The present survey of the Li I 6708 A line in a sample of spectral typeG and K stars with luminosity classes III, IV, and V shows that manyK-type stars in the sample, including a large number of RS CVn binaries,show an anomalously high Li abundance relative to typical inactive starsof the same spectral type. Only a few stars in the sample are likely tobe premain sequence objects of stars which have recently arrived on themain sequence. Mechanisms that could lead to the enhanced Li absorptionin chromospherically active stars are discussed; these encompass largecool spots on the stellar surface, the production of Li in stellarflares by spallation reactions, and the evolution from main-sequenceprogenitors without, or with very shallow, outer convective zones.

The non-synchronous systems among RS CVn stars
An RS CVn star is considered as nonsynchronous if its orbital perioddiffers by more than 4 percent from its photometric period. Of 88systems examined according to this criterion, 67 are synchronous, 21 arenonsynchronous. For the 21 nonsynchronous systems, it is found thattheir spectral types are most around KO-2 III and that their orbitaleccentricities are larger and their chromospheric activity lower thanthe average level.

An astrometric catalogue of radio stars
The first part is presented of a radio star catalog encompassing 186objects whose selection was guided by the priority criteria of theHipparchos Input Catalogue Consortium. Since these criteria are wellsuited to the need for linkage of ground-based optical systems to radioreference frames, this first selection is also considered a suitablebase for the catalog. Seventeen categories of stellar parameters arefurnished for each of the stars, including optical and radio positions,optical and radio parallax, radial velocity, type of variability, andoptical structure.

The 69th Name-List of Variable Stars
Not Available

Chromospherically active stars. VII - 39 Ceti = AY Ceti, HD 185151 = V1764 Cygni, and binary synchronization
Improved orbital elements have been determined for 39 Ceti and HD185151.39 Cet has a circular orbit with an orbital period of 56.82 days,which differs substantially from its rotational period of 75-78 days. Anobservation of the lithium region of 39 Cet shows that the G5 IIIcomponent has almost no lithium in its outer atmosphere. HD 185151 has acircular orbit with an orbital period of 40.142 days and has a nearlyidentical rotational period. The large mass function suggests that thesecondary is a late A to mid F type star whose continuum should bevisible at ultraviolet wavelengths. The orbital inclination is estimatedto be 62 + or - 12, while the distance is about 390 pc. Orbital androtational periods are compared for 114 chromospherically activebinaries.

Optical positions of radiostars.
Precise optical positions, relative to either the Perth 70 or the AGK3Rcatalogs, are presented for 38 radiostars which have been proposed ascandidates for the Hipparcos observing list. The observations wereobtained with the 70/100/210 cm Maksutov Astrograph at the EstacionAstronomica de Cerro El Roble. The precision levels are shown to beabout 0.2 arcsec in both coordinates.

Stellar radio luminosity and stellar rotation
Two measurements of the microwave surface brightness of 63 activechromospheric stars, one related to surface flux and one related to fluxratio, are correlated with rotational parameters. Although both methodsare found to provide similar results, the surface flux method accountsfor more of the variance in the regression. The consistency of theobserved surface brightnesses of the sun and three BY-Dra-type flarestars with the present rotational relationships is considered.

A relation between radio luminosity and rotation for late-type stars
A relation is found between peak radio luminosities measured at 8 GHzand the rotational velocity of 51 late-type F, G, and K stars (includingthe sun). The sample includes both single stars and active components ofclose binary systems, with equatorial surface velocities ranging from 1to 100 km/s. A gyrosynchrotron source model originally developed toexplain solar microwave bursts could explain the relation. The mainparameter depending on rotation rate is the filling factor, i.e., thefraction of the stellar surface and corona occupied by intense magneticfields. As the rotation speed increases, the scale size of the coronalstructures emitting microwave gyrosynchrotron radiation increases, andthere is a corresponding increase in the area of the surface covered byintense starspot magnetic fields. However, the peak magnetic field ofthe starspots probably does not increase significantly above observedsunspot values.

A catalog of chromospherically active binary stars
A catalog of 168 chromospherically active binary stars is presented,including the class of RS CVn, BY Dra binaries, and other binaries whichshow strong Ca II H and K emission in their spectra. The catalogcontains information on the photometric, spectroscopic, orbital, andphysical properties of the systems as well as the space motions andpositions. Summarized in a candidate list are in additional 37 starshaving similar characteristics but which are not definitely knownbinaries or have not had H and K emission observed. The catalog containsstars in both the northern and the southern sky.

Radio emission from RS CVn binaries. III - A VLA survey of 103 systems
The paper presents a 5 GHz radio survey of 103 close late-type stellarbinaries. Fifty-three of the 103 candidate stars were detected above anaverage detection threshold of 0.4 mJy. The median observed radioluminosity is compared with total bolometric luminosity, rotationalperiod, color index (B-V), and Rossby number.

A microwave survey of southern active stars
The results of a survey of 153 active-chromosphere stars made with theParkes 64-m telescope at 5.0/8.4 GHz from 1981 to 1987 are reported.Microwave emission was detected from 70 stars on at least one occasion,with the highest detection rate of 68 percent from the RS CVn group. TheCa II stars and Algol-type binaries yielded detection rates of 44 and 30percent, respectively. The maximum powers emitted by the stars at5.0/8.4 GHz ranged over five orders of magnitude, with a median of 2.5 x10 to the 10th W/Hz. The maximum brightness temperatures had a smallerrange of three orders of magnitude, with a median of 3.6 x 10 to the 9thK.

UBV(RI)c photometry for CaII emission stars. II - Observations at Mt. John University Observatory and at Mt. Stromlo
UBV(RI)c data are given for 17 stars with strong Ca II H and K emission.Techniques of observation and reduction are described briefly.

UBV(RI)c photometry for CaII emission stars. I - Observations at Sutherland
Extensive photometry in the UBV(RI)c system is given for 55 stars withstrong Ca II H and K emission. The UBV observations were made relativeto the standard stars of Lloyd Evans et al. (1983) while the (RI)cobservations were made relative to E-region standards over greaterangular distances. The data are plotted in phase diagrams.

Radial velocities of calcium emission stars. II - Observations at Mt. Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories and at Mt. John University Observatory
Radial velocities are presented for 17 bright late-type stars withstrong emission cores in the Ca II H and K lines. Most of the stars arespectroscopic binaries.

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Наблюдательные данные и астрометрия

Созвездие:Южный Треугольник
Прямое восхождение:15h27m45.68s
Видимая звёздная величина:7.471
Расстояние:127.389 парсек
Собственное движение RA:-53.1
Собственное движение Dec:-31.6
B-T magnitude:8.812
V-T magnitude:7.582

Каталоги и обозначения:
Собственные имена   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 137164
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 9026-2020-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0225-22768811
HIPHIP 75689

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