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HD 193009



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A Search for High-Velocity Be Stars
We present an analysis of the kinematics of Be stars based uponHipparcos proper motions and published radial velocities. We findapproximately 23 of the 344 stars in our sample have peculiar spacemotions greater than 40 km s-1 and up to 102 kms-1. We argue that these high-velocity stars are the resultof either a supernova that disrupted a binary or ejection by closeencounters of binaries in young clusters. Be stars spun up by binarymass transfer will appear as high-velocity objects if there wassignificant mass loss during the supernova explosion of the initiallymore massive star, but the generally moderate peculiar velocities of BeX-ray binaries indicate that the progenitors lose most of their massprior to the supernova (in accordance with model predictions). Binaryformation models for Be stars predict that most systems bypass thesupernova stage (and do not receive runaway velocities) to createultimately Be+white dwarf binaries. The fraction of Be stars spun up bybinary mass transfer remains unknown, since the post-mass transfercompanions are difficult to detect.

A representative sample of Be stars. IV. Infrared photometry and the continuum excess
We present infra-red (JHK) photometry of 52 isolated Be\ stars ofspectral types O9-B9 and luminosity classes III-V. We describe a newmethod of reduction, enabling separation of interstellar reddening andcircumstellar excess. Using this technique we find that the discemission makes a maximum contribution to the optical (B-V) colour of afew tenths of a magnitude. We find strong correlations between a rangeof emission lines (Hα , Brgamma , Br11, and Br18) from the Bestars' discs, and the circumstellar continuum excesses. We also findthat stellar rotation and disc excess are correlated.

Statistical analysis of intrinsic polarization, IR excess and projected rotational velocity distributions of classical Be stars
We present the results of statistical analyses of a sample of 627 Bestars. The parameters of intrinsic polarization (p*),projected rotational velocity (v sin i), and near IR excesses have beeninvestigated. The values of p* have been estimated for a muchlarger and more representative sample of Be stars (~490 objects) thanpreviously. We have confirmed that most Be stars of early spectral typehave statistically larger values of polarization and IR excesses incomparison with the late spectral type stars. It is found that thedistributions of p* diverge considerably for the differentspectral subgroups. In contrast to late spectral types (B5-B9.5), thedistribution of p* for B0-B2 stars does not peak at the valuep*=0%. Statistically significant differences in the meanprojected rotational velocities (/line{vsin i}) are found for differentspectral subgroups of Be stars in the sense that late spectral typestars (V luminosity class) generally rotate faster than early types, inagreement with previously published results. This behaviour is, however,not obvious for the III-IV luminosity class stars. Nevertheless, thecalculated values of the ratio vt/vc of the truerotational velocity, vt, to the critical velocity forbreak-up, vc, is larger for late spectral type stars of allluminosity classes. Thus, late spectral type stars appear to rotatecloser to their break-up rotational velocity. The distribution of nearIR excesses for early spectral subgroups is bi-modal, the position ofthe second peak displaying a maximum value E(V-L)~ 1 . m 3for O-B1.5 stars, decreasing to E(V-L)~0. m8 for intermediatespectral types (B3-B5). It is shown that bi-modality disappears for latespectral types (B6-B9.5). No correlations were found betweenp* and near IR excesses and between E(V-L) and vsin i for thedifferent subgroups of Be stars. In contrast to near IR excesses, arelation between p* and far IR excesses at 12 mu m is clearlyseen. A clear relation between p* and vsin i (as well asbetween p* and /line{vsin i}/vc) is found by thefact that plots of these parameters are bounded by a ``triangular"distribution of p*: vsin i, with a decrease of p*towards very small and very large vsin i (and /line{vsini}/vc) values. The latter behaviour can be understood in thecontext of a larger oblateness of circumstellar disks for the stars witha rapid rotation. From the analysis of correlations between differentobservational parameters we conclude that circumstellar envelopes forthe majority of Be stars are optically thin disks with the range of thehalf-opening angle of 10degr

A representative sample of Be stars. II. K band spectroscopy
We present K band (2.05 mu m - 2.22 mu m) spectra of 66 isolated Bestars of spectral types O9-B9 and luminosity classes III, IV & V. Wefind that objects with He i features either in emission or absorptionare B3 or earlier. Objects with Mg ii emission but no He i are B2 to B4,while objects with Brgamma emission but no evidence of He i or Mg ii areB5 or later. Na i emission in the spectra of 4 objects appears toindicate that regions of the circumstellar envelopes of these stars mustbe shielded from direct stellar radiation. Systematic trends in the linestrength and profile of Brgamma are seen from early to late spectraltypes which can be understood in terms of differences in the disctemperature and density. 30 percent of the stars do not currently showevidence for line emission. Compared to the emission line stars theseobjects have a significantly lower mean rotational velocity and adistribution of spectral types that is significantly earlier. This canbe explained either as the original misidentification of these objectsas Be stars (i.e. they never had line emission), or as evidence thatstars with lower rotational velocities may be more prone to changesbetween the Be and B phases.

A representative sample of Be stars . I. Sample selection, spectral classification and rotational velocities
We present a sample of 58 Be stars containing objects of spectral typesO9 to B8.5 and luminosity classes III to V. We have obtained 3670 - 5070Angstroms spectra of the sample which are used to derive spectral typesand rotational velocities. We discuss the distribution of spectral typesand rotational velocities obtained and conclude that there are nosignificant selection effects in our sample.

The 74th Special Name-list of Variable Stars
We present the Name-list introducing GCVS names for 3153 variable starsdiscovered by the Hipparcos mission.

Catalogue of H-alpha emission stars in the Northern Milky Way
The ``Catalogue of Stars in the Northern Milky Way Having H-alpha inEmission" appears in Abhandlungen aus der Hamburger Sternwarte, Band XIin the year 1997. It contains 4174 stars, range {32degr <= l() II< 214degr , -10degr < b() II < +10degr } having the Hαline in emission. HBH stars and stars of further 99 lists taken from theliterature till the end of 1994 were included in the catalogue. We givethe cross-identification of stars from all lists used. The catalogue isalso available in the Centre de Données, Strasbourg ftp130.79.128.5 or http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr and at the HamburgObservatory via internet.

Investigation of the variability of bright Be stars using HIPPARCOS photometry
The high accuracy and the homogeneity of Hipparcos data for bright starshave allowed us to quantify the degree of variability of Be stars. Thisdegree has been found to be highly dependent on the temperature of thestar. Rapid variability is the main feature of the 86% of early Be andless than 20% of late Be stars taking into account the limit ofdetection considered. In addition to Be stars reported in the Hipparcoscatalogue (ESA 1997) as short-period variables, we have been able toenlarge the number of detections as well as to confirm periodspreviously determined. Be stars that show larger amplitude rapidvariations are proposed as candidates for a search of multiperiodicityi.e. as non-radial pulsators. We have also searched for the presence ofoutbursts and fading events in the Hipparcos data. Outbursts have beenfrequently and preferentially detected in early Be stars with rather lowto moderate v sini while fading events seem to be more conspicuous instars with higher v sini. Mid-term and long-term variations have alsobeen investigated. Several stars have shown some evidence of temporaryquasi-periodic oscillations ranging between 10 and 200 days. Finallyinformation concerning long-term variations is reported. Cycles shorterthan or equal to the Hipparcos mission have mainly been detected instars earlier than B6. Long-term time scales of late Be stars areconfirmed to be longer by far. Tables 1 and 2 are only available inelectronic form at CDS via ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( orvia http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

UBV beta Database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars
A database of photoelectric UBV beta photometry for stars listed in theCase-Hamburg northern and southern Milky Way luminous stars surveys hasbeen compiled from the original research literature. Consisting of over16,000 observations of some 7300 stars from over 500 sources, thisdatabase constitutes the most complete compilation of such photometryavailable for intrinsically luminous stars around the Galactic plane.Over 5000 stars listed in the Case-Hamburg surveys still lackfundamental photometric data.

Infrared and H-alpha emission from Be stars
Not Available

On the confinement of one-armed oscillations in discs of Be stars.
We discuss the effects due to the rotational deformation and theoptically-thin line force on the confinement of one-armed oscillationsin the inner part of Be-star discs. The period of these oscillations isidentified with the observed V/R variations in Balmer emission lines. Wetake into account the effect of rotation by including the quadrupolecontribution to the potential around the rotationally-distorted centralstar. For the radiative force due to an ensemble of optically thinlines, we adopt the parametric form proposed by Chen & Marlborough(1994ApJ...427.1005C). The disc is assumed to be isothermal. Based onthese assumptions, we examine the linear, one-armed eigenmodes confinedto the inner part of the disc. Our study strongly suggests that themechanism that causes the confinement of one-armed oscillations inearly-type Be stars is different from that in late-type Be stars. Inlate-type Be stars, the confinement occurs because of the deviation fromthe point-mass potential around the rotationally deformed star. On thispoint, we confirm the conclusions obtained by Papaloizou et al.(1992A&A...265L..45P). In early-type Be stars, however, it is theweak-line force that mainly contributes to the confinement. Therotational effect plays a much smaller role for these stars. The periodof the eigenmode confined to the disc depends sensitively on the effectby rotation or radiation. This sensitiveness, together with the range ofthe period of observed V/R variations, places rather narrow constraintson the parameters characterizing these effects. We compare our resultswith observed V/R properties, for which a list of 53 stars has beencompiled.

Catalogue of stars in the northern Milky Way having H-alpha in emission
Not Available

Rotational Velocity Determinations for 164 Be and B Stars
Rotational velocities, v sin i, have been obtained for 96 Be and 68normal B stars by measurements of the FWHM of the He I lambda-4471 line(for spectral types B0-B4.5) and Mg II lambda-4481 (for types B5-B9.5).The consistency of various published sources is examined. (SECTION:Stars)

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Spectral reclassification of some Be stars using Delta-Q method
The way in which the new defined value Delta-Q can play a role in thespectral reclassification of Be stars is shown by means of aninvestigation of 56 Be stars. A general survey carried out in order toobtain spectral subclasses or U, B, V values for these stars ispresented. The suggested Delta-Q method was found to be very helpful inchoosing the correct spectral subclass from among many subclassesassigned for the same star, and hence, the reclassification for thisstar.

IRAS excess radiation in Be stars and the behavior of the CA II triplet
A sample of 51 stars observed spectroscopically in the near infrararedand by IRAS has been examined. An interesting correlation has been foundbetween the Ca II triplet emission and the IRAS excess: when the IRASexcess is large, Ca II is in emission; when the excess is small, no CaII is present. This relation clarifies somewhat the erratic behavior ofthe Ca II triplet in the Be stars.

A survey of Be stars in the 7500-8800 A region
This survey covers the spectra of over 97 Be stars observed at 50 and230 A/mm plate factors with a Reticon in the 7500-8800 A region.Equivalent widths were measured for the strongest lines present in thisregion. Although the Be stars have been well studied in the classic3800-4800 A region, there exist fewer studies of the 7500-8800 A region,which shall be referred to as the 'near-infrared'. The interest of thenear infrared region lies in the fact that several strong features arepresent, namely the higher lines of the Paschen series of H I, two O Ifeatures, and the Ca II triplet. The behavior of these features is oftendifferent from that observed in normal stars, for instance the Ca II. Itis the purpose of the present paper to provide a systematic survey. Toachieve this, a sample of 100 Be and B-type shell stars selected fromJaschek et al. (1980) have been observed.

Catalog of O-B stars observed with Tokyo Meridian Circle
A catalog of the O-B stars, selected from 'Blaauw-Parenago' list andRubin's catalog, has been compiled on the FK4 system by the observationsmade with Gautier 8-inch Meridian Circle at the Tokyo AstronomicalObservatory during the period, 1971 to 1979. It contains 1059 stars andwas compiled for the future establishment of high precision propermotions of O-B stars.

Be-Stars and Shell Stars Observed with the 13-COLOR Photometric System - Part Two
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1984RMxAA...9..141S&db_key=AST

Thirteen-color photometry of Be stars
Thirteen-color photometry made at the San Pedro Matir Observatory inBaja California for a number of spectroscopically variable Be and shellstars is presented. Several of these stars show photometric variabilityin the UV and/or IR over a time base of two to three years. The moreinteresting stars are analyzed in terms of color-color diagrams, colorexcesses, spectral characteristics and changes in their energydistributions. Prospects for future research are discussed.

A classification of Be stars
Based upon a sample of 140 stars observed over 20 years for which about5,000 spectrograms are available, a classification scheme of Be stars ispresented. This is the first attempt to subdivide the Be star group intophysically significant subgroups, from which typical objects can beselected for further study. The four groups proposed are based upon adiscussion of spectrum characteristics, multicolor photometry,polarization, rotational velocities, UV spectral types and timevariability. Starting with the group membership of a Be star,predictions can be made of the future behavior of it.

Absolute ultraviolet spectrophotometry with the TD-1 satellite. XI - Spectrophotometric study of Be and shell stars with the S 2/68 experiment
Low resolution S 2/68 observations are used to show that Be stars ofspectral type B0-B5 have a deficiency of ultraviolet radiation (at 2100A) as compared to the visible with respect to normal stars of the samespectral type. The deficiency is statistically correlated with thestrength of visual emission lines, with the existence of an infraredexcess and with the presence of a shell. Comparison criteria for Be andB stars are discussed along with the relation between the interstellarcolor excess and the depth of the 2200 A absorption feature for normal Bstars. In addition, the origin of the flux deficiency is considered, andit is shown that the stars with a shell of hydrogen and metals (a strongshell) have a source of absorption different from that of the Be starswith strong emission.

Observations of southern emission-line stars
A catalog of 1929 stars showing H-alpha emission on photographic platesis presented which covers the entire southern sky south of declination-25 deg to a red limiting magnitude of about 11.0. The catalog providesprevious designations of known emission-line stars equatorial (1900) andgalactic coordinates, visual and photographic magnitudes, H-alphaemission parameters, spectral types, and notes on unusual spectralfeatures. The objects listed include 16 M stars, 25 S stars, 37 carbonstars, 20 symbiotic stars, 40 confirmed or suspected T Tauri stars, 16novae, 14 planetary nebulae, 11 P Cygni stars, 9 Bep stars, 87 confirmedor suspected Wolf-Rayet stars, and 26 'peculiar' stars. Two new Tassociations are discovered, one in Lupus and one in Chamaeleon. Objectswith variations in continuum or H-alpha intensity are noted, and thedistribution by spectral type is analyzed. It is found that the skydistribution of these emission-line stars shows significantconcentrations in the region of the small Sagittarius cloud and in theCarina region.

Photoelectric measures of the hydrogen lines in early-type stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974MNRAS.169..171F&db_key=AST

UBV and Hgamma observations of early-type field stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1972AJ.....77..376L&db_key=AST

Etude photometrique a bande etroite de l'emission dans les etoiles Be
Not Available

Be stars and galactic rotation.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1968AJ.....73..338C&db_key=AST

Spiral arms
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1967MNRAS.137..337D&db_key=AST

Troisième catalogue de l'Observatoire de Besançon comprenant 764 étoiles réduites à 1950, 0 sans mouvement propre et 326 étoiles FK3 pour l'époque moyenne d'observation
Not Available

Die galaktischen Emissions-B-Sterne : (Spectralklassifikation, Photometrie, Entwicklung und Verteilung in der Milchstraszenebene)
Not Available

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Apparent магнитуда:7.168
Даљина:1612.903 parsecs
Proper motion RA:-7.6
Proper motion Dec:-8.9
B-T magnitude:7.249
V-T magnitude:7.175

Каталог и designations:
Proper имена   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 193009
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 2676-1687-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1200-14848053
HIPHIP 99953

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